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My research at the Jan van Eyck Akademie is looking closer at the relationship of design and programming. As a graphic designer, I found myself naturally interested in a chemistry of design and programming; I'm inspired by the approach to create own programs when necessary and not to rely only on the existing software. Are we able to see our dependence on existing software and how it shapes our creative results? If you are interested in this issue, please join the debate or give me some feed-back.
Here is a questionnaire I sent to several graphic/interface designers + programmers. I hope this can stimulate a dialogue between the two interdependent sides: computer science and design. If I forgot anything important in my questions you would like to mention, I would be very pleased to extend my questionnaire… Furthermore, I'd like to ask you to give as much detail as possible in your answers. Thank you for your time and inspiring thoughts. Purposely, I left our conversations unedited to preserve the informal nature of email.

1. How would you describe what you are doing in connection with design and programming?

2. Did you study this specialisation? If so, where? Did your school prepare you for this specialisation or did you study on your own?

3. I'm collecting examples of studios/projects where programming is used in cooperation with design. Examples: John Maeda @ Media Laboratory of the MIT, his students, Letterror, Typerware, etc. Is anyone else dealing with the issues that are important/influential for you? If so, why do you admire them?

4. How did you start with programming, and what was the main motivation to learn it? Which language did you choose and why?

5. In your opinion is it necessary to become a programmer if the concept of the project requires writing a programme? What are your experiences?

6. How do you see yourself, more a designer or programmer? As a designer, do you feel some restrictions/limits of software you are using and can you give me some examples? If you are a programmer, how do you collaborate with designers? Does it influence your work in some specific way?

7. Self-made programs seem to bring a 'game' aspect to graphic design life? How did you use programming knowledge in both 'for fun' and commissioned projects? Are your projects published on the internet? If so, where? (URL)

8. What about the computer aesthetics? Do you attempt to reconcile the contrast between the natural and technological looks of your results? How?

9. Are you attracted to exploit the programming in order to help the computer become more 'human' or 'emotional' (to simulate our 5 senses)? What are your results?

10. Can everyone learn how to create a programme? python.org gives the programming language and manuals for free for anyone interested...

11. Will you be developing your programming knowledge in your future practice? Do you have any plans in relation to the 'D + P' issues?

12. Did you publish articles related to the theme and where? Could you recommend some interesting 'links'?

------End of questionnaire

LINKS              last update 22/01/02

LettError lecture
23/11/01, Jan van Eyck Akademie
J.C. Casasín (Typerware) workshop
27-28/11/01, Jan van Eyck Akademie

Thomas Castro (LUST)
graphic designer
Joan Carles Casasín (TYPERWARE)
type designer/programmer
Martin Krupa (ui42)
Guido van Rossum (creator of Python)
Petr van Blokland (BURO)
Benjamin Fry (MIT - Media Lab)
computational designer
Paul Elliman (Yale)
graphic designer
David Casacuberta
philosopher/new media analyst
Erik van Blokland (LettError)
graphic designer/programmer
Dimitri Niewenhuizen (LUST)
graphic designer/programmer
François Naudé (alt.sense)

>>>SUBMIT your answers (...anyone)
>>>SUBMIT your answers (+programmers)